Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

choose me

Ability is nothing without opportunity. - Napoleon Bonaparte#quote

berarti,,, " ABILITY + OPPORTUNITY = GREAT" ya??
Kalo "No ABILITY + Opportunity = ?? "
Ato "ABILITY + No OPPORTUNITY = nothing??"
And "No (ABILITY + OpPortunity) = ???"

WHERE Am I ? Which one is yours??

another quote:
One always has time enough, if one will apply it well." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So?? No matter how u feel, you're really nothing (as well as mine :p),,,but if you really do everything appropriately,in tha right place and in the right time,, we'll get it!!!-fa

actually,, we're something,,indeed, don'y u think so..
(im sure about that, but i still couldnt figured it out completely)

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